From Thomas Square, Honolulu

Thomas Square, Hawaii’s first public park is named after Admiral Richard Darton Thomas of the Royal British Navy who returned sovereignty to Hawaii on July 23, 1843, after a brief British misadventure. It’s across the street from The Honolulu Museum of Art, and the luxury condo named The Admiral Thomas. Recently installed on the south side of the park facing King Street, a statue of Kauikeaouli, King Kamehameha III stands facing the concert hall King Street.

474 feet to Straub Hospital
633 feet to The Admiral Thomas
740 feet to Honolulu Police Department Headquarters
0.46 mile to 1560 Thurston Ave
1.18 miles to1 226 Alexander Street
1.2 miles to The New Shanghai, Honolulu
5,032 miles to Shanghai, China
7,347 miles to Cothen, Germany

All distances measured from “the corner” at Thomas Square

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